Initial assessment

Couples Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale - Intro

Most persons have disagreements in their relationships. Please indicate below the approximate extent of agreement or disagreement between you and your partner for each item on the following list.

Always AgreeAlmost Always AgreeOccasionally AgreeFrequently AgreeAlmost Always DisagreeAlways Disagree
Always AgreeAlmost Always AgreeOccasionally AgreeFrequently AgreeAlmost Always DisagreeAlways Disagree
Always AgreeAlmost Always AgreeOccasionally AgreeFrequently AgreeAlmost Always DisagreeAlways Disagree
Always AgreeAlmost Always AgreeOccasionally AgreeFrequently AgreeAlmost Always DisagreeAlways Disagree
Always AgreeAlmost Always AgreeOccasionally AgreeFrequently AgreeAlmost Always DisagreeAlways Disagree
Always AgreeAlmost Always AgreeOccasionally AgreeFrequently AgreeAlmost Always DisagreeAlways Disagree
All the TimeMost of the TimeMore often than notOccasionallyRarelyNever
All the TimeMost of the TimeMore often than notOccasionallyRarelyNever
All the TimeMost of the TimeMore often than notOccasionallyRarelyNever
All the TimeMost of the TimeMore often than notOccasionallyRarelyNever
EverydayAlmost EverydayOccasionallyRarelyNever
How often would you say the following events occur between you and your mate?
NeverLess than once a monthOnce or twice a monthOnce or twice a weekOnce a dayMore often
NeverLess than once a monthOnce or twice a monthOnce or twice a weekOnce a dayMore often
NeverLess than once a monthOnce or twice a monthOnce or twice a weekOnce a dayMore often
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